100% off Stellar Hosting: The Black Friday Blockbuster at Namecheap

100% off Stellar Hosting. This Namecheap’s special Black Friday Blockbuster is valid until the end of this month and if you were thinking of getting hosting for your new site, the time is now.
It should be noted that the 100% discount for the Stellar hosting is only if you are paying for a 1-nonth subscription.
For the anual pack, you get up to 74% off the original price, that is you will be paying $8.88 instead of $33.88. Very cool i nsin’t it?
Namecheap’s Black Friday deals – All available deals for you to savor
With Namecheap’s Black Friday Blockbuster, get top products for peanuts, but be sure to get everything you can out of here before the end credits roll at the end of November 30.
Domain nale discounts
You get up to 90% discount for some top-level domain names. And for popular domain names like the .com, you can get it now for just $4.98 for the first year.
Here are all the availbel discounts for domain names you can get now at Namecheap;

Claiming this offer
You can get this discount for doamin names by using the followinf coupon code during Checkout.
Discounts for stellar hosting: 100% off Stellar Hosting
You can now get the Stellar Hosting for free the first month or pay just $8.88 for a whole year, that’s up to 74% discount.
And if you will want the Stellar Plus Hostig plan with unmetered SSD storage, unlimited websites , free auto backup tool, you can get it now for $16.88 instad of $57.88.

Redeeming this hosting offer
To get up to 100% off or 74% off your stellar hosting, use the following promo code during checkout.
Link to all available Nmaecheap Black Friday Blockbuster offers
There is more to the Namecheap Black Friday Blockbuster offer than just the Stellar and Domain name discounts.
You also get up to 50% off all EasyWP Hosting plans. Also, if you are interested in getting a private email for your business, you can get it now pretty cheap at 70% off the origianl price.
Check all all available offers from the link below.