Free Online XML Sitemap Generator

Search Engine Optimization

XML Sitemap Generator

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About XML Sitemap Generator

Free Online XML Sitemap Generator tool. A website needs the correct meta tags to be set for a better SEO. But for search engines to easily crawl and discover all the important pages of your website, you will need to have a sitemap. An XML sitemap is a file that lists a website's important pages, making sure Google can find and crawl them all. It also helps search engines understand your website structure. You want Google to crawl every essential page of your website.

The URL for an XML sitemap is typically at the root of a domain — for example, — ready for bots to access. They are very important to tell search engines when contents of a webpage has changed.

HTML vs XML Sitemaps

There are two types of sitemaps: HTML and XML. The difference is that XML sitemaps are written for search engines and HTML sitemaps are written for humans. An XML sitemap is specifically written for search engine spiders. A search engine spider can quickly and easily extract all the important pieces of information about your site by looking at the XML file.