How to generate Live CC from BIN in 2024: Many people come across BIN codes(Bank Identification Number) which is the first 4 or 6 digits of a credit card. You can use them to generate Virtual Credit Cards and add a payment method for some online services. But using just any generated VCC won’t work. You will need to ensure that the CC you generated is Live.
As such for this tutorial, we will be guiding you on how to generate Live CC from BIN.
The use of BIN to generate Live CC for online payments is mostly used for testing purposes. That’s the VCC generated that can best be used for trial services. Very useful for those who don’t want to use their real card maybe because they do not trust the service in question.
Reasons why you may want to use BIN
There are many different methods of payment out there being used on different websites that accept online payment. But not everyone is able to afford these payment methods.
Also, it may be for just a purpose of security. That’s you are not confident enough about a site and won’t want to use your real card and bank details on it.
Again, those who may want to give a service a try(works for services with a trial period) to see if it is worth paying for can make use of BIN get generate VCC and use it for the trial, and if the service is considered trustworthy, they can now purchase with the real card.
Generate Live CC from BIN in 2024
- A working BIN code for the service in question.
- A good Credit card generator. This will help you generate Virtual Credit card numbers with the BIN code as the first four or 6 digits.
- Live CC check tool
- Internet connection
Using BIN to generate working CC
Once you have a working BIN, to use it, you will need to generate working CCs. To do that follow the steps below;
Step 1: Head to Bincodetocc website using your web browser, copy the BIN code from here and paste it to the space reserved for BIN. Depending on the information about the BIN, choose if CCV is random or enter the provided CCV as well as the date. Also, choose the numbers of CC to generate and hid the generate button.
Step 2: After you click or tap on the “Generate” button, you will then see some CC generated. The number will be dependent on what you enter under “Quantity” and will be generated in format;
That’s Credit card number|Expiring date|CVV
Steps 3: Copy generated cards and sort out the live ones. To do so, head to this website >> https://cc-checker.com/cc-checker/ or https://myviptuto.com/cc-checker/ and paste the click on “START”.
Step4: It will check all CCs and group into “Unknown”, “Die” OR “Live”. Copy the “live” ones and save somewhere.
Once you have your live credit cards, you are now ready to go.
Using live cc
- Connect to your VPN(strong VPN)
- Launch web browser
- Visit the site on which the BIN which you used to generate Live CC works on.
- Enter CC details as the payment method
- For email, use Temp-mail(Link above) and use https://fake-it.ws/us for names since you do not want to use your real name.