
Infolinks is an online advertising platform that helps website publishers monetize their content by displaying targeted ads to their visitors. It offers a variety of ad formats, including in-text ads, in-fold ads, in-tag ads, and in-screen ads, among others. Infolinks uses a unique algorithm to analyze the content of a webpage and deliver relevant ads to users based on their interests and browsing behavior.

One of the main advantages of using Infolinks is that it provides a non-intrusive way to display ads, which means that they don’t disrupt the user experience on the website. In addition, Infolinks offers real-time reporting and analytics, allowing publishers to track their ad performance and optimize their campaigns accordingly.

Online bloggers and website owners monetize their websites with Infolinks while keeping the look & feel of their sites undisturbed. Infolinks publishers can select their winning Infolinks ad combination from our ad unit options: InFoldInTagInText, InFrame, and InArticle. It takes less than a minute to integrate Infolinks on a publisher’s site.

Infolinks’ ad units are fully customizable and invite higher engagement and CTR because of their unique positioning and the relevance provided by our smart algorithm. Infolinks In³ platform extracts intent and auctions ad inventory in real-time, delivering relevant ads at optimized moments. This is one of the ways that Infolinks overcomes banner blindness to actually engage with users and provide ads matched to what they are seeking and reading. Infolinks supports a marketplace of over 100,000 websites operating in 128 countries.

To use Infolinks, website publishers need to sign up for an account, install the Infolinks ad code on their website, and start displaying ads. Infolinks pays its publishers on a revenue-sharing model, with payouts made on a monthly basis via PayPal, wire transfer, or eCheck, depending on the payment method selected.

Company Name:Infolinks
Country:United States
Minimum Payment:$50
Payment Method:PayPal, Payoneer, Wire, Cheque
Payment Frequency:NET45
Commission Type:CPC, CPM, IN-text

Approval criteria

There are no minimum traffic or language requirements to apply to be a publisher of InfoLinks. All publishers must abide by rules to prohibit content that violates IP rights; pornography; hate-related content; violent content.

Publisher Requirements

How do I sign up as an Infolinks Publisher?

Signing up for Infolinks is quick and easy. All you need to do is fill out a short form and integrate the code into your site for the ads to appear instantaneously.

Follow these quick and easy steps to Join Infolinks now:

  1. Complete our brief sign-up form.
  2. Our team will review your application within 48 hours.
  3. Upon approval, you will be able to integrate the Infolinks script into your web pages.
  4. Start earning revenue immediately!
  5. Once you’ve been approved you can login to the Publisher Center and track your earnings.
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