
Monumetric is a full-service ad network that helps publishers monetize their websites. They offer a variety of ad formats, including display ads, native ads, and video ads. Monumetric also provides publishers with access to premium advertisers, and they work with publishers to optimize their ad placements for maximum revenue.

Monumetric is a popular choice for publishers of all sizes. They have a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping publishers succeed. Monumetric also offers a variety of resources to help publishers learn more about monetization and advertising.

If you are looking for a way to monetize your website, Monumetric is a great option. They offer a variety of services and resources that can help you increase your revenue.

Monumetric Network Details
Commission Type:CPM Display, Video, Text, Mobile, Native
Minimum Payment:$ 100
Payment Frequency:Net 30, Net 45, Net 60, Net 90
Payment Method:Check, Wire
Contact:Telephone: (801) 447-9535
Email: info at monumetric dot com


Monumetric has clear application requirements for interested publishers. To enter their base program called “Propel,” you need to have a minimum of 10,000 monthly page views on your website. Additionally, your website must be hosted on either WordPress or Blogger CMS platforms, have a sidebar width of 300 pixels, feature at least six ad slots on both mobile and desktop versions, and have 50% of your traffic coming from English-speaking countries such as the USA, UK, Canada, or Australia.

Once you meet these requirements, your site will undergo approval by its major ad providers. If you have been previously banned from AdSense or similar services for inappropriate reasons, your chances of approval may be diminished, as most ad networks adhere to this policy. Additionally, there is a one-time $99 fee to cover the developer’s time for enabling ads on your site. However, if your site receives over 80,000 monthly page views, this fee is waived through their “Ascend” level program.

Regarding cancellation, Monumetric offers a straightforward process. If you decide to end your partnership, you simply need to provide a 30-day notice since the contract terms operate on a month-to-month basis. Unlike other ad networks that may lock you into long-term commitments, Monumetric is more flexible in this regard.

In terms of payouts, Monumetric follows a NET-60 payment cycle, meaning you receive your earnings 60 days after the completion of the month. As far as I can determine, there is no minimum payout threshold. You just have to wait until the income for a particular month is ready to be disbursed. This concern about minimum payout thresholds is common among various ad networks.

Ad formats

Monumetric provides bloggers with a variety of ad formats, including display ads, interstitial ads, and video ads. These ad formats can be personalized and adjusted to match the visual style and overall appearance of the blogger’s website. In addition, Monumetric offers a range of tools and resources to assist bloggers in optimizing their ad placements and enhancing the effectiveness of their ads.

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