Who founded YouTube?

Who founded YouTube? Discover the founder of the most popular Video-sharing platform

Who founded YouTube? You may have been asking yourself this question. YouTube is one of the most popular video-sharing platforms in the world, with billions of monthly…

Who founded SpaceX? Find out more about the SpaceX company

Who founded SpaceX? Find out more about the SpaceX company

SpaceX has been making headlines for over a decade with its groundbreaking achievements in space exploration and rocket engineering. The private American spaceflight company has revolutionized the…

Who founded Facebook Inc?

Who founded Facebook Inc?

Who founded Facebook Inc? We are all of course very familiar with Facebook. But who do you think is the founder of this top-most visited Social media…

Who founded Meta Platforms, Inc?

Who founded Meta Platforms, Inc?

If you are here, then it can only mean one thing — You will like to know who founded Meta Platforms, Inc. Meta Platforms, Inc. (formerly known…

Who founded Amazon.com?

Who founded Amazon.com?

Who founded Amazon.com? You are surely familiar with Amazon and its many other platforms and services. Now, do you know who is the mastermind behind this Tech…

Who founded Alphabet Inc?

Who founded Alphabet Inc?

Who Founded Alphabet Inc? Alphabet Inc. is a well-known multinational conglomerate that owns some of the biggest names in technology, such as Google, YouTube, and Android. It…

Who founded Google LLC?

Who founded Google LLC? – Discover the masterminds behind the birth of Google

Google LLC is one of the world’s most recognizable and valuable companies, with a dominant presence in the technology industry. Its search engine alone processes billions of…