Coughvid: An app that uses AI to detect COVID-19 from coughing sounds.

Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic(COVID-19), many types of research have been going on to look for ways to ease the screening of the Virus. And since the availability of test kits are limited likewise medical personals to carry out the test in some areas around the globe, the App Coughvid was developed. Since one of the first thing the Doctor does to diagnose COVID-19 is testing for your cough, the Coughvid app has that idea taking into consideration. The Coughvip app uses AI to detect COVID-19 from coughing sounds.

Professor David Atienza and his team from École Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne’s Embedded Systems Laboratory are the masterminds behind thisCoughvid project.

Using AI to distinguish between different kinds of coughs the same way doctors listen to your cough is an idea which will help reduce the workload of doctors. But it should be noted that this app cannot take the place of a medical examination.

The Coughvid app has so far yielded good results. And according to reports, the app has a 70% accuracy rate.

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