The question about which Facebook app to use for one’s device is a common one. Many Android users keep asking themselves if they should go in for Facebook or Facebook Lite. On this page, we have sorted out some key differences between the two apps which should help you make a better choice among them. So, if you have your doubts about which one to use, this Facebook vs Facebook Lite review will come in handy
The Facebook service is used by many and it remains the most used Social media website. Choosing the app version to use should also depend on your device and connection. In this light, we have come out with a scheme of comparison based on different aspects which you can find below.
Facebook vs Facebook Lite
Both the Facebook app and the Facebook Lite app gives you access to the Facebook service. You can chat with friends, share files and comments on what others have shared. But which of these two apps is better or worth using over the other?
App size
If we are to compare both apps based on their sizes, Facebook Lite obviously will prove advantageous to use. Since Facebook app varies in size on different devices. In some cases, the app size can reach even 75MB as opposed to approximately 1.5MB for Facebook Lite.
Why Facebook Lite wins here!
As you may all know, the app size is synonyme to the amount of storage space it will occupy. Meaning that, an Android user with small storage will have difficulties using the Facebook app.
Facebook vs Facebook Lite: Messaging
Another point one can use to differentiate between these two app variants(Facebook and Facebook Lite) is the messaging option. With the Facebook app, you can’t text or reply to your messages unless you have the Facebook Messenger app installed. Thus, you will have to install and extra app which will consume more disk space.
On the other hand, Facebook Lite comes with a built-in messenger. As such, chatting doesn’t require any extra application to be installed. And just like with the Messenger app, it supports notification for messages.
Facebook Lite wins here
Using Facebook Lite will save you from the hassle of having to install an extra app just to reply to your messages. Also, you will gain in storage. Since installing both the Facebook app and Messenger app will take a toll of your device Storage.
Memory usage
The Facebook app obviously will consume more memory than Facebook Lite. This, therefore, makes it not suited for low memory devices. So, if one was to choose between the two app variants, it will be good to go in for the one which won’t take too much of your device memory(data, cache, etc)
Why Facebook Lite wins here!
Facebook Lite consumes very little of your device memory. This makes it suited for both low memory devices and high-end Android devices.
Data consumption
Facebook Lite was designed with the knowledge of the availability of slow connection. This makes the app best suited for devices running on 2G network for example. With the Facebook app, you will find it very difficult opening a single page when you are on a slow connection.
Facebook Lite wins
Facebook Lite app consumes very little data connection as opposed to the Facebook app. As such even an Android user over a 2G connection won’t find it difficult using it. Also, in Facebook Lite, videos don’t play automatically. This is one of the Facebook app features that consume more data.
Contents quality
Facebook Lite loads the “Light version” of what the Facebook apps loads. The images loaded by the Facebook app for example are of higher quality.
Facebook app wins here
The Facebook app gives you a better quality of contents. Both photos and Videos are of good quality. Since Facebook Lite is made to support low-end Android devices, the quality of contents it displays are poor.
Battery usage: Facebook vs Facebook Lite apps
Since the Facebook app is bulkier and loads high-quality contents, it requires a good connection. And what you should know is that more battery consumption is required to load all these heavy contents. The extra Facebook Messenger app for text, audio and video calls also consume a noticeable amount of battery charge. Facebook Lite, on the other hand, requires just a normal connectivity speed, since the contents it loads are of low or let’s say moderate quality.
Why Facebook Lite wins
Apps that consume a toll of your battery which will have a great impact on your battery’s lifespan. With Facebook Lite, this isn’t the case since it consume very little of your device’s battey.
User interface
Facebook app has got a better user interface. Since the Facebook app takes time to load more contents, to toggle from one feature to the other like Notifications, Friends, Feeds, Profile, and Watchlist is easier. With Facebook Lite, each new option you click on will have to load again.
Facebook app vs Facebook Lite app: Watch feature
This new feature groups all videos from your Facebook friends and groups as well as your liked pages. With such a feature, you can easily find available videos to watch. The Watch feature is absent on Facebook Lite. Thus, the Facebook apps winds here.
Supported platforms
The Facebook Lite app is only available for Android. iPhone and other smartphone users can therefore not use it. Whereas, both iPhone and Android users can install it. Here, the Facebook app has the upper hand.
Available features
Facebook has got more features than Facebook Lite.
Facebook vs Facebook Lite review: Our verdict
Both apps have their ups and downs. The question about which one to use may not only be made based on the difference listed above. If you are having and Android device with great features(Good storage space, memory, etc) using the main Facebook app shouldn’t pose a problem. On the other hand, Android users with low memory devices should go in for Facebook Lite.