
How to Restore a Softaculous Backup on a New Server

How do I Restore a Softaculous Backup on a New Server? This guide will help you if you wish to backup an installation and restore it to a new server (for example, if you want a backup of your WordPress installation). Before proceeding with this guide, it should be noted that backup will work fine only if the domain name and the path to the domain are the same as the installation on the old server.

Creating a Backup on the old server

  • Backup the WordPress installation as shown in the figure below.
  • Next, Click on the Backup Installation icon.
  • Now, once the backup is completed,  Go to the Backups page. to download it

Restoring the backup to new server

You must modify the backup info file: softpath, path, softdb, softdbuser, softurl, and softdomain if the control panel username and domain name have changed.
(You must untar the backup to obtain the backupinfo file, which has the same name as the backup; you must then construct the tar backup file, make the necessary modifications as described above, and update the serialization count.)

For example, if the backup file name is wp.26_91250.2024-03-24_07-56-12.tar.gz then the backupinfo file name will be wp.26_91250.2024-03-24_07-56-12

NOTE: Please make sure the serialization count is updated correctly otherwise the backup will not work.

To restore the backup you will have to ;

  • Copy this backup file on your new server at the following path /home/USERNAME/softaculous_backups/ and then go to the Backups Page on the new server.
  • You can see your backup listed here. Just Restore that backup as shown in the figure below and your Old installation is Restored and ready to use.
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