Share PC connection to Android via USB: The ultimate guide

It is normally pretty easy for people to share their Android connection to their computer via USB or Mobile Hotspot. Although sharing your PC’s connection to your Android device is also common, USB tethering isn’t common. But at least not impossible. Yes! And on this page, we are going to be guiding you on how to share PC connection to Android via USB. This method of tethering(reverse tethering) can work on both rooted and non-rooted Android devices.

Before we dive into the steps, we will like to remind you that, the following will be required;

Share PC connection to Android via USB: The steps

As we mentioned earlier, you can reverse tether your PC’s connection to your Android via USB if it is rooted or not. The tools for this reverse tethering are different though, depending on whether your device is rooted or not. Check the subsequent sections for the steps in details.

Reverse tething PC connection via USB on rooted Android

For those who have their Android device rooted, they can easily tether(share) their PC connection to their Android device via USB. For this to work, you will need a special tool devised for this sole purpose. Android Reverse Tethering Tool helps you share your connecction from your computer via USB. But as we said before, root is required.

Below are the steps to follow:

Share PC connection via USB to Android without root.

This method is for those who won’t want to mess with their device by rooting it. You will also need to have ADB drivers installed on your computer. And for this guide, we will be using gnirehtet.

Steps to follow

gnirehtet install
gnirehtet run


This method of sharing your pc connection to your Android via USB is very interesting and will come in handy for those whose computer doesn’t have a WLAN adapter. And also in situations where you also can’t afford a USB WLAN adapter as well.

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