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Download Pocket City APK 1.1.348 free

Pocket City is a city-building game for Android and iOS like Township. The design of the game is much like that of SimCity. There’s a free version of the game you can try out. And if you want to get more out of the game, you can pay a few bucks and just buy the whole thing. But that isn’t why you are visiting this page for sure! And for that reason, we have shared a download link of Pocket City apk(not Pocket City free APK).

Pocket City will normally cost you about $2.86 or so to get, but here, you can get it for free. If you are thinking this is a MOD, then you certainly will be surprised it isn’t. The APK file provided here is the official game app and nothing more.

So, if you are pretty sure of your skills to build and manage a stunning city, or hopping to learn while having some fun, download Pocket city apk now and start building your own dream city.

Pocket City – The key aspects

Bring Your City To Life

Pocket City APK
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Build your own unique city as the new mayor. Create residential, commercial, and industrial zones. Build parks and recreation spots. Respond to crime and disasters. Watch your city come alive!

Pocket City re-imagines classic city building simulation gameplay to mobile for iOS and Android.

Level Up and Earn Rewards

Pocket City APK
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Gain XP and increase your mayor level by completing quests. Unlock new special buildings for your good deeds. All buildings are unlocked through gameplay – no in-app purchases here!

Complete Quests

Pocket City APK

Interact with a variety of characters in your city! From your helpful city advisor to troublesome local thugs, everyone’s got something to say. Help them out for XP and cash!


Pocket city apk

Make smart decisions about where to build your zones to maximize citizen satisfaction. Don’t place that factory near those suburbs! How will you design your city?

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Meet the demands of your city. Build the zones that are most in-demand to improve your economy, and gain more income.

Fight Emergencies

pocket city

Defend your city against disasters and crime. Build emergency services at the right time to effectively dispatch response teams to urgent situations!


Pocket city

Run your city and optimize your job market, income, citizen happiness, taxes, environment, and more! Dive into the stats to make the best decisions when building your city.

Pocket City Google Play Store description

Pocket City
Pocket City
Developer: Codebrew Games
Price: $2.99

Build your own city as mayor! Create residential, commercial, and industrial zones. Build parks and recreation spots. Respond to crime and disasters. Watch your city come alive!

No microtransactions or long wait times! Everything is unlocked and rewarded through gameplay.

Pocket City re-imagines classic city building simulation gameplay for Android devices.

– Build a unique city by creating zones and special buildings
– Trigger fun events like block parties, or disasters like tornadoes
– Complete quests to earn XP and money
– Unlock advanced buildings by levelling up
– Unlock new land with different terrain types
– Succeed by optimizing your cash flow, traffic, happiness, and more
– Enjoy a dynamic city with citizens, vehicles, animals and animated buildings
– Upload your city to the cloud to transfer to another device, or share with a friend
– Intuitive, touch-based city building
– Playable offline
– Play in portrait mode or landscape mode
– NO microtransactions

Download Pocket City APK

This game requires Android 4.4+

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