Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft that provides interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for end-users to create their own reports and dashboards. It connects to various data sources, including Excel spreadsheets, cloud-based and on-premises data sources, as well as third-party applications and services.

Power BI offers a variety of features, including data exploration and analysis, data visualization, and data storytelling. It allows users to create interactive reports, dashboards, and visualizations with drag-and-drop simplicity. Additionally, Power BI offers a wide range of data visualization options, such as bar charts, pie charts, gauges, maps, and tables, among others.

Power BI can also be integrated with other Microsoft services, such as Excel, SharePoint, and Teams, and supports collaboration and sharing of reports and dashboards with other users. Power BI offers a range of pricing plans, including a free version with limited features, as well as paid plans with additional features and capabilities.

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