How to uninstall default pre-installed apps(software) on Windows 10

Windows 10 is Microsoft’s latest release of the Windows OS for PC users. And my people prefer using it for it unifies the Windows experience across multiple devices, such as desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones. The user experience is by far better than that of Windows 7 and 8, but the fact that it comes with so many pre-installed apps(software) may not just be what you like. This post today is here to show you how you can uninstall default pre-installed apps(software) on Windows 10. The command provided for the latter will as well work on Windows 7 and 8.

What apps or software you can uninstall

By default, you can easily uninstall the software you install from the Windows App store by clicking the start button, then right-click on the app or game in question and choose to uninstall.

You can as well do this by going to settings >> apps & features. And as for the software you install out of the app store, you can uninstall them via the Control panel.

But what about apps like the Windows app store itself? or any other app/software which you can’t uninstall via the control panel or from Settings >> Apps & features? This guide is there for that purpose. Continue reading below to find out how to uninstall default pre-installed apps(software) on Windows 10.

Uninstalling default pre-installed app(software) on Windows 10 using PowerShell.

Pre-installed apps on Windows 10 or 8 works like Bloatware on Android devices. When you uninstall them from settings or start menu for a particular user account, they are not in reality removed from your device. These apps get reinstalled anytime you create a new user account.

In order to completely remove such apps, you will need to have admin rights and make use of the elevated PowerShell command prompt.

Steps to completely uninstall pre-installed apps on Windows 10

Steps 1: Running PowerShell as Admin

Step 2: Autorise PowerShell to run all the different scripts

Once you have run the PowerShell comand with admin rights, it is time to autorise it to run scripts. Use the command below for this.

set-executionpolicy unrestricted

The system will prompt to confirm the change. Enter the letter Y or press the enter key to change the execution policy settings.

Also, you can get all app packages installed using the command below.

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers

Step 3: Uninstall default pre-installed apps(software)

You need to use the command below to uninstall an app. It is the general structure of the command applicable to all packages.

get-appxpackage * package name* | remove-appxpackage

In the command above, replace “package name” with the package name of the app you wish to uninstall completely. Below are the command for some individual apps;

Uninstall 3D Builder:

get-appxpackage * 3dbuilder * | remove-appxpackage

Command to Uninstall Alarms & Clock:

get-appxpackage * alarms * | remove-appxpackage

To Uninstall App Connector:

get-appxpackage * appconnector * | remove-appxpackage

For App Installer:

get-appxpackage * appinstaller * | remove-appxpackage

The command to Uninstall Calendar and Mail apps together:

get-appxpackage * communicationsapps * | remove-appxpackag

To Uninstall Calculator:

get-appxpackage * calculator * | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall Camera:

get-appxpackage * camera * | remove-appxpackage

To Uninstall Feedback Hub:

get-appxpackage * feedback * | remove-appxpackage

To Uninstall Get Office:

get-appxpackage * officehub * | remove-appxpackage

To Uninstall Get Started or Tips:

get-appxpackage * getstarted * | remove-appxpackage

To Uninstall Get Skype:

get-appxpackage * skypeapp * | remove-appxpackage

To uninstall Groove Music:

get-appxpackage * zunemusic * | remove-appxpackage

To Uninstall Groove Music and Movies & TV apps together:

get-appxpackage * zune * | remove-appxpackage

To uninstall Money:

get-appxpackage * bingfinance * | remove-appxpackage

To uninstall Money, News, Sports and Weather apps together:

get-appxpackage * bing * | remove-appxpackage

To Uninstall Movies & TV:

get-appxpackage * zunevideo * | remove-appxpackage

To Uninstall News:

get-appxpackage * bingnews * | remove-appxpackage

To Uninstall OneNote:

get-appxpackage * onenote * | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall for all users:

Get-AppxPackage -allusers | Remove-AppxPackage

Uninstall for a specific user:

Get-AppxPackage -user username | Remove-AppxPackage

Uninstall more packages?

What we have above is just for a hand pick of the available packages you can unistall. If you wish to get a list of all the different package names, then use the command below to enlist them all.

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers

Why you may want to uninstall default pre-installed software

If you have been using Windows 10 or 8 for a while, then you must have noticed it constantly installs some apps from the Microsoft App store any time you are connected. This will for sure take a tool of your internet connection. And if you are not using an unlimited connection, you may end up every time not being able to do what you really wanted to do with the little connection you had.

What we are saying here is that to prevent any unnecessary extra data expenses, removing the Microsoft store is really worth it.

Another good reason will be to save space, especially if you are using a low storage device.

So, what so ever may be your reason, this guide we are sure will be handy.

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