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Whatsapp Messager will soon introduce new features to enhance discretion and privacy

Whatsapp Messager will soon introduce new features to enhance discretion and privacy. The Whatsapp messaging app is set to roll out new features to make it easier for users to dodge their contacts. 

New updates are underway on the messaging application according to the daily Bfmtv. It will now be possible to hide the “seen at” mention, which indicates the last time a user used WhatsApp, from specific contacts. Another innovation: leaving a group without informing the other members.

What About The New Updates?

Better control your online presence. It is with this objective that the secure messaging application WhatsApp is deploying a new update this August which makes it possible to hide the mention “seen at” from certain contacts selected beforehand.

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According to The Verge, a WhatsApp user will now be able to choose which of their close contacts can see their last online time. Convenient when you want to read a message without the correspondent knowing that this is the case. This new feature complements another, the ability to hide its “Online” status which means WhatsApp is open in the foreground on a device.

Reinforce discretion and privacy

Last December, WhatsApp implemented online status hiding by default only for numbers that do not belong to a user’s contact list. But that did not prevent his relatives from being able to see his presence on the application. Since the two features are linked, this will no longer be the case with this update.

In addition, WhatsApp is also launching a practical feature that will allow you to discreetly leave chat groups. Currently, the application explicitly informs each member of a group of the departure of one of the participants. A situation that can cause misunderstanding. This new feature, the equivalent of “Irish goodbye”, an expression which means leaving a party without telling anyone, is therefore supposed to avoid the awkward moments that can accompany the exit of a chat.

WhatsApp also announces that it is working on a way to prevent screenshots of single-use photos, videos or messages, these media which, like Snapchat, disappear from the discussion once opened by their recipient. Finally, the Facebook subsidiary application has extended the maximum time limit for deleting a sent message to two days. Previously, this limit was 1 hour, 8 minutes and 16 seconds.

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