Best way to Soft Reset and Hard Reset Your DualShock PS4 Controller

This guide on How to Soft Reset and Hard Reset Your DualShock PS4 Controller is for those who think their PS4 controller is kind of misbehaving. Performing a soft reset or a hard reset on your DualShock PS4 Controller could fix its problem.

Rather than going for a new controller, you might want to try these tricks out first to see if the glitch gets fixed. The reason this trick is worth it is that your PS4 Controller might be acting weirdly because of some misconfigurations. And by resetting to factory or original settings thing in most cases will get back to normal.

Resetting your PS4 DualShock Controller

You can either soft reset or hard reset your PS4 Controller to fix it. When we talk of a soft reset here, we are referring to resetting the controller with the help of software. On the other hand, a hard reset makes use of what is on the device’s hardware.

Now let’s see how you can Soft Reset and Hard Reset Your DualShock PS4 Controller.

Soft Reset and Hard Reset Your DualShock PS4 Controller

Soft Reset Your DualShock PS4 Controller

Before you begin, take note of these:

The soft reset will reset the connection between you controller and the gaming console.
You can only perform a soft reset if you have a second working PS4 DualShock controller.

Soft reset steps:

The problem still persisting? Then give it a hard reset. The steps to follow are as described below.

Hard Reset Your DualShock PS4 Controller

Before you proceed, note that a hard reset is a ‘factory reset. It will reset your device to its default or factory settings completely the way it was when it came.

Image source: Tecbaked
If you are still facing this issue despite trying a soft reset and a hard reset, you may be dealing with a hardware failure.

Our take on this

Now that you’ve learned how to soft reset and hard reset a PS4 Controller, we believe this simple trick could help you save some bucks. At times even children at home could mess up with your Controller settings. Rather than spending the extra money to get a new one, a simple hard or soft reset could get it back to normal.

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