Twitter bans Former US President Donald Trump

Twitter bans Former US President Donald Trump from using It’s platform again and says they are not going to uplift the ban even if he is re-elected as president in the next presidential election.

According to Twitter chief financial officer Ned Segal, Donald Trump’s permanent ban from the service would remain permanent even if the former president ran for office and again and even if he won.

No platform leaned as heavily on warning labels as Twitter, which spent the year before the election labelling the president’s tweets with evolving disclaimers.

Twitter bans Former US President Donald Trump permanently and here is why.

As a microblogging and social networking platform, some rules are set to be followed by any and the information people share should be trustworthy and of goodwill.

Twitter’s policies are designed to make sure that people are not inciting violence, and if anybody does that, they have to remove them from the service and Twitter policies don’t allow people to come back.


The ban of former US president Trump was is owing to concerns that his tweets were an incitement to violence, following the U.S Capitol mob attack on January 6 after he refused to accept the results of the 2020 U.S Presidential election.

According to the Deadline, President Donald Trump posted a message on the official government Twitter account @POTUS, blasting the platform for banning @realdonaldtrump and vowing, “We will not be silenced!”

Twitter initially said that it would keep the @POTUS account active but would continue to monitor it. Within minutes after posting, Trump’s tweets disappeared from that account, too. Twitter said that they violated rules that prohibit using another account to evade suspension.

Twitter has also banned over 70,000 accounts for sharing misinformation, including some of his high-profile supporters. Again, Facebook, Instagram, Discord, Snapchat, Shopify,  and some other social platforms have also taken action against the behaviour of the former US president by suspending his account.

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