WhatsApp will soon allow you to transform your voice messages into text! In recent weeks, Meta —the company behind WhatsApp has been entitled to the possibility of putting a voice message in status, of sending messages to each other, of setting up a proxy, of conducting polls in conversations… It’s a little Christmas every day for the Meta Mail users.
As often with WhatsApp updates, new features are not available to everyone at the same time. It first starts with users who are part of the beta testers before gradually expanding to all. Recently, a very special feature has appeared.
You can indeed now convert an audio message into text. Thus, if you cannot listen to the message, it can turn into a transcription of vowels and consonants.
This can be very practical if you are in a place that does not allow you to listen to the message or quite simply for people suffering from deafness for example and who therefore could not, from the start, listen to it. Several languages also seem to be taken into account.
It would seem that this new possibility is currently only available on iOS but there is no doubt that it will soon also be available on Android. It is hard to imagine the developers of WhatsApp leaving more than 5 billion users under the Google OS on the side of the road.
Note that this feature, which is coming soon, has been expected since September 2021. Everything comes at the right time to who knows how to wait…