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2021 Keyboard Shortcuts for Accent Letters in Windows

Knowing some keyboard shortcuts for accent letters in Windows could proof very useful when typing words in some different languages.

This is a common case with the French language for example. And if you are using the US international English Keyboard you won’t be able to type French accented characters or letters by default.

Sometimes, you may be forced to change the keyboard language which will as a result prove inconvenient since the french and English keyboards have different layouts.

To make things easier and more convenient, you can use alt code shortcuts on the standard keyboard without any additional input method.

And the good thing about this method is that, it works on almost all documents on Windows laptops and PC as well as on online text editors.

Accented Letters

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English is one of the languages where there are no accented letters. Unlike English, we have the French, German, Spanish and some many other languages where accents are added to some letters.

The accent mark is extremely important as it will tell you how the word is pronounced. It is used to distinguish between different meanings of the same word.

In the French language, for example, an accent mark may change the sound of a letter, the meaning of a word, replace a letter that existed in old French or has no perceivable effect at all. Accents are used only on vowels and under the letter c.

Some keyboard Shortcuts for Accent Letters in Windows

To come out with the Alt code Keyboard Shortcuts for Accent Letters; proceed thus;

  • Press and hold down the ALT Key and do not stop pressing it
  • Next, type the numbers using the keyboard numeric pad
  • Release the ALT key after typing the numbers
  • You will then see the accented letter display

Below is a list of Keyboard Shortcuts for Accent Letters you will come across easily:

Alt Code WindowsAlt X Code for WordAccentDescription
Alt + 018000B4 + Alt + X´Acute Accent 
Alt + 019300C1 + Alt + XÁUppercase A With Acute
Alt + 020100C9 + Alt + XÉUppercase E With Acute
Alt + 020500CD + Alt + XÍUppercase I With Acute
Alt + 021100D3 + Alt + XÓUppercase O With Acute
Alt + 021800DA + Alt + XÚUppercase U With Acute
Alt + 022100DD + Alt + XÝUppercase Y With Acute
Alt + 022500E1 + Alt + XáLowercase A With Acute
Alt + 023300E9 + Alt + XéLowercase E With Acute
Alt + 023700ED + Alt + XíLowercase I With Acute
Alt + 024300F3 + Alt + XóLowercase O With Acute
Alt + 025000FA + Alt + XúLowercase U With Acute
Alt + 025300FD + Alt + XýLowercase Y With Acute
Alt + 02620106 + Alt + XĆUppercase C With Acute
Alt + 02630107 + Alt + XćLowercase C With Acute
Alt + 03130139 + Alt + XĹUppercase L With Acute
Alt + 0314013A + Alt + XĺLowercase L With Acute
Alt + 03230143 + Alt + XŃUppercase N With Acute
Alt + 03240144 + Alt + XńLowercase N With Acute
Alt + 03360150 + Alt + XŐUppercase O With Double Acute
Alt + 03370151 + Alt + XőLowercase O With Double Acute
Alt + 03400154 + Alt + XŔUppercase R With Acute
Alt + 03410155 + Alt + XŕLowercase R With Acute
Alt + 0346015A + Alt + XŚUppercase S With Acute
Alt + 0347015B + Alt + XśLowercase S With Acute
Alt + 03680170 + Alt + XŰUppercase U With Double Acute
Alt + 03690171 + Alt + XűLowercase U With Double Acute
Alt + 03770179 + Alt + XŹUppercase Z With Acute
Alt + 0378017A + Alt + XźLowercase Z With Acute
Alt + 047101D7 + Alt + XǗUppercase U With Diaeresis Or Umlaut And Acute
Alt + 047201D8 + Alt + XǘLowercase U With Diaeresis Or Umlaut And Acute
Alt + 050001F4 + Alt + XǴUppercase G With Acute
Alt + 050101F5 + Alt + XǵLowercase G With Acute
Alt + 050601FA + Alt + XǺUppercase A With Ring Above And Acute
Alt + 050701FB + Alt + XǻLowercase A With Ring Above And Acute
Alt + 050801FC + Alt + XǼUppercase Ae With Acute
Alt + 050901FD + Alt + XǽLowercase Ae With Acute
Alt + 051001FE + Alt + XǾUppercase O With Stroke And Acute
Alt + 051101FF + Alt + XǿLowercase O With Stroke And Acute
Alt + 071402CA + Alt + XˊModifier Acute Accent
Alt + 071902CF + Alt + XˏModifier Low Acute Accent
Alt + 073302DD + Alt + X˝Double Acute Accent
Alt + 075802F6 + Alt + X˶Modifier Middle Double Acute Accent
Alt + 07690301 + Alt + X́Combining Acute Accent
Alt + 0779030B + Alt + X̋Combining Double Acute Accent
Alt + 07910317 + Alt + X̗Combining Acute Accent Below
Alt + 08330341 + Alt + X́Combining Acute Tone Mark
Alt + 097903D3 + Alt + XϓUpsilon With Acute And Hook Symbol
Alt + 126604F2 + Alt + XӲUppercase U With Double Acute
Alt + 126704F3 + Alt + XӳLowercase U With Double Acute
Alt + 23880954 + Alt + XDevanagari Acute Accent
Alt + 5151141F + Alt + XCanadian Syllabics Final Acute
Alt + 51571425 + Alt + XCanadian Syllabics Final Double Acute
Alt + 76171DC1 + Alt + XCombining Dotted Acute Accent
Alt + 76201DC4 + Alt + XCombining Macron-Acute
Alt + 76231DC7 + Alt + XCombining Acute-Macron
Alt + 76241DC8 + Alt + XCombining Grave-Acute-Grave
Alt + 76251DC9 + Alt + XCombining Acute-Grave-Acute
Alt + 76881E08 + Alt + XUppercase C With Cedilla And Acute
Alt + 76891E09 + Alt + XLowercase C With Cedilla And Acute
Alt + 77021E16 + Alt + XUppercase E With Macron And Acute
Alt + 77031E17 + Alt + XLowercase E With Macron And Acute
Alt + 77261E2E + Alt + XUppercase I With Diaeresis (Or Umlaut) And Acute
Alt + 77271E2F + Alt + XLowercase I With Diaeresis (Or Umlaut) And Acute
Alt + 77281E30 + Alt + XUppercase K With Acute
Alt + 77291E31 + Alt + XLowercase K With Acute
Alt + 77421E3E + Alt + XUppercase M With Acute
Alt + 77431E3F + Alt + XḿLowercase M With Acute
Alt + 77561E4C + Alt + XUppercase O With Tilde And Acute
Alt + 77571E4D + Alt + XLowercase O With Tilde And Acute
Alt + 77621E52 + Alt + XUppercase O With Macron And Acute
Alt + 77631E53 + Alt + XLowercase O With Macron And Acute
Alt + 77641E54 + Alt + XUppercase P With Acute
Alt + 77651E55 + Alt + XLowercase P With Acute
Alt + 77801E64 + Alt + XUppercase S With Acute And Dot Above
Alt + 77811E65 + Alt + XLowercase S With Acute And Dot Above
Alt + 78001E78 + Alt + XUppercase U With Tilde And Acute
Alt + 78011E79 + Alt + XLowercase U With Tilde And Acute
Alt + 78101E82 + Alt + XUppercase W With Acute
Alt + 78111E83 + Alt + XLowercase W With Acute
Alt + 78441EA4 + Alt + XUppercase A With Circumflex And Acute
Alt + 78451EA5 + Alt + XLowercase A With Circumflex And Acute
Alt + 78541EAE + Alt + XUppercase A With Breve And Acute
Alt + 78551EAF + Alt + XLowercase A With Breve And Acute
Alt + 78701EBE + Alt + XUppercase E With Circumflex And Acute
Alt + 78711EBF + Alt + XếLowercase E With Circumflex And Acute
Alt + 78881ED0 + Alt + XUppercase O With Circumflex And Acute
Alt + 78891ED1 + Alt + XLowercase O With Circumflex And Acute
Alt + 78981EDA + Alt + XUppercase O With Horn And Acute
Alt + 78991EDB + Alt + XLowercase O With Horn And Acute
Alt + 79121EE8 + Alt + XUppercase U With Horn And Acute
Alt + 79131EE9 + Alt + XLowercase U With Horn And Acute
Alt + 10655299F + Alt + XAcute Angle
Alt + 016800A8 + Alt + X¨Diaeresis or Umlaut
Alt + 019600C4 + Alt + XÄUppercase A With Diaeresis or Umlaut
Alt + 020300CB + Alt + XËUppercase E With Diaeresis or Umlaut
Alt + 020700CF + Alt + XÏUppercase I With Diaeresis or Umlaut
Alt + 021400D6 + Alt + XÖUppercase O With Diaeresis or Umlaut
Alt + 022000DC + Alt + XÜUppercase U With Diaeresis or Umlaut
Alt + 22800E4 + Alt + XäLowercase A With Diaeresis or Umlaut

Keyboard Shortcuts for Accent Letters continues on the next page…

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