Watch Emmanuel TV (English) Live online

Watch Emmanuel TV (English) Live online from this page. Emmanuel TV is a Christian TV Network. The channel is headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria, and was founded by T.B. Joshua of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations. The motto of Emmanuel TV is – Changing lives, changing nations, and changing the world. Please note: the Anointing Water is not being sent out to individuals. Visit for more info.
Emmanuel TV is a television station with one way and one job. The way is Jesus and the job is to talk about Him to others through words and deeds. Our motto is: Changing lives, changing nations, and changing the world. God’s Word is the most effective instrument for change. The people hear and change.
Nations hear and change. The world hears and changes. Emmanuel means God is with us! (Matthew 1:23) Watch Emmanuel TV and witness the power of God in action. God keeps giving us plenty of evidence to believe in Him.