
How to block contacts on WhatsApp without them knowing?

How to block contacts on WhatsApp without them knowing? We do block some WhatsApp contacts for one reason or another other and they will get to know they have been blocked by you. But what if you won’t want the person you are blocking to know he or she has been blocked by you? This feature can be found in the settings and to mute a contact, you simply have to open the chat you have with that person.

Next, tap on the three dots located at the top right to open the context menu. Then choose the option “ notifications in silent mode ”. A dialogue box will immediately appear on your screen to choose the duration for which you wish to mute the contact.

If you want this setting to apply indefinitely, select ” Always “.

This trick will allow you to receive messages from the contact in question but not notifications since you have muted it. The muted person won’t realize that you’ve muted them or that you’re not getting their message notifications.

They will continue to see the chat and your profile picture. It can even send you written or voice messages and multimedia content without you receiving any notification on your Smartphone.

This other trick is to block messages from your contacts.

WhatsApp also allows you to hide one or more chats on your WhatsApp Messenger account. If you don’t want to receive notifications from one of your contacts in your thread, you can simply put them in your archives.

  • You will continue to receive his messages but they go directly to an ” Archives ” folder on your WhatsApp Messenger account.
  • To recover an archived conversation, you just have to go up to the top of your discussions and you will find a folder called ” archives”.

When you tap on the folder in question, all archived chats will appear. You can remove them from the folder if you wish.

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