Here is why we should no longer put our phones near our faces but rather use headphones

Here is why we should no longer put our phones near our faces but rather use headphones. Indeed, this high-tech accessory is not only a fashion to follow. The earphones are very useful to prevent you from having the Smartphone always glued to the ear and in constant contact with the face. But we must not stop there. Of course, headphones are the most hygienic option, but you should not neglect the very regular cleaning of your device either. We tell you more.
Headphone, effective solution experts keep advising us to disinfect our Smartphones at least once a day. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to keep up with this pace when you are constantly busy and caught up in the daily grind. Certainly, hand washing has become a systematic reflex, but it is not always easy to clean your mobile so often.
Why is using the Smartphone with earphones more hygienic?
Quite simply, we never let go of our laptops and this device is a breeding ground for all kinds of dirt and bacteria. And for good reason, we often lay it carelessly on any type of surface before bringing it back to the face several times a day. We then transfer a significant portion of the dirt and pathogens directly into the ears and mouth.
The big advantage of the use of headphones is to avoid bringing the mobile phone closer to these sensitive areas of the face. Also, whether you have the latest generation Bluetooth model or any other older model, you will benefit from this much more hygienic accessory.
Provided, of course, that you are careful not to place your headphones too much on any surface, or to hold them in your hand for too long. This is why the case remains essential: it is important to always have the reflex to put them back in!
The best way to clean your cell phone
Unlike hand washing, you cannot use soap and water to clean your device. Most manufacturers, such as Apple or Samsung, recommend the use of alcohol-based cleaning and disinfecting wipes.
What’s the best way to clean your cell phone? Here are 4 steps to follow:
Turn off and unplug your Smartphone.
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Rub for at least 20 seconds.
Gently wipe the exterior of the cell phone, including the screen, with an antibacterial wipe. You can also spray a soft cloth with an alcohol-based disinfectant cleaner containing 70% isopropyl to clean the device.
The 70% alcohol level is important: it is a sufficient concentration to eliminate all germs on the surface of the mobile.
Avoid moisture in the ports.
Good to know: you can carry out the same cleaning process on your tablets.
Before cleaning your devices, be sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions to keep them working properly and avoid damaging them.