Orange Cameroon free internet 2021 is here and we are going to tell you how to configure and use it.
It’s almost Christmas and many are looking for a way to browse the internet for free. If you’re one of those, then check out this Orange Cameroon free internet 2021 trick and get yourself online in just no time.
For Orange Ivory Coast users, please refer here for the 2021 free internet cheat.
It should be noted that this free internet may not be as fast as a normal connection with a purchased data bundle, but you can at least use it to get access to Apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, etc, as well as perform web searches with ease.
Orange Cameroon free internet 2021 requirements
- An Android 3G or 4G smartphone. Alternatively, you can use a 3G or 4G WiFi modem.
- DroidVPN downloadable from the Google Play Store
- An Orange Côte d’Ivoire SIM card without an Internet plan.
- DroidVPN configuration settings
How to configure
- Start by downloading and installing DroidVPN on your Android. You can do this with an Internet connection from another network.
- Then switch the Internet connection to your Orange SIM card without an Internet plan.
- Launch the DroidVPN app.
- Choose a free server from the drop-down menu.
- Go to DroidVPN settings, then go to UDP settings.
- Under UDP Settings, configure as follows;
- Auto port scan: Check.
- Remote UDP port: 443
- Local UDP port: 1
- Choose Mode 1 as UDP mode
- TCount: 1000
- RCount: 3